From: Marcelle Bloom-Ravid [mravid@axxess.co.za]
Sent: 29 July 2008 12:31 PM
To: RehanaM@joburg.org.za; barbara@gautrain.co.za; johanness@joburg.org.za
Cc: ‘Nico deJager’; ‘Martin Louw’; ‘jenny’; ‘Wayne Ford’
Subject: New Oxford Rd Diversion
Attention: Councillor Rehana Moosajee – Mayoral Committee Member for Transportation, City of Johannesburg.
Dear Rehana
Due to the sinkhole in Oxford Road and the continuing closure of Oxford road for the next few months, the diversions into the soft-core of Riviera is causing pain and hardship for the residents living in the area.
As you know, 4000 vehicles an hour travel up and down Oxford Road at peak hours and these (taxis, Putco buses, huge traffic volumes, trucks and cement mixers) are now traveling down North Street ( passed Mr Mbeki’s house) into Main Street. Residents say that taxis’ hooting starts at around 5am.
It is imperative that this situation is monitored. (I have already alerted you to the fact of the fast deterioration of the hard surfaces of these side streets.)
I suggest a permanent MPD presence at the intersection of North and Main at peak hours and that both the Transportation Department of the CoJ and Bombela need to assists in, at least alleviating somewhat the current situation.
Residents are most understanding of the necessity of keeping Oxford closed until the tunnel in that section is completed in case of another occurrence of the same proportions, but council and Bombela need to understand the impact this has had in their suburb and to find solutions.
I look forward to your soonest reply as to what steps are to be taken.
Kind regards
Marcelle Ravid
Councillor, Ward 73
City of Johannesburg
Cell: 084 355 0826
Tel: 011 728 6338
Fax: 011 728 6164
E-mail: mravid@axxess.co.za