The SAPS have issued dedicated cell-phones to every SAPS SECTOR PATROL vehicle, so that the community can contact their local police patrol car anytime we see suspicious people or activities.
The number for the Killarney Sector Patrol is 071 675 6001.
Please load this number into your speed-dial, and pass it on to all your neighbours. Obviously we must avoid false alarms, but this initiative will bring the police much closer to the people, and with some diligence we can now assist the police to catch the criminals in the act.
To report by-law problems in Region E (north of the motorway) contact Sergeant Jona at (011) 490 1630 /1684 or 083 399 2835.
The officer in charge of by-laws enforcements in Region F (south of the motorway) is Officer Mbali on 078 309 7297.
We have identified a new recycling contractor – please call Nazim on 073 537 3369 or at to join in.
The NKRA has decided to again hold a competition to encourage buildings to clean up and beautify their pavements, because this contributes significantly to the overall appearance of the suburb and to the quality of life of all its residents.
Nomsa Nene of Wendy Mechanik Properties has agreed to sponsor the project, and will be providing cash prizes (in the form of gift vouchers for a nursery) to the winning building and to the runner up, as well as certificates to be mounted in the entrances of the two buildings.
Because different buildings have different circumstances, different locations and different-sized pavements, buildings will be judged on the extent to which they have beautified a selected 10 square meter area of visible pavement only. However, they will be disqualified if they fail to at least keep the rest of their pavements neat and tidy.
Judging will take place on or around 1 December 2010.
We noticed that the street-name signs in our suburb were becoming unreadable when visitors and delivery drivers were not able to find our buildings. Instead of complaining to the people who spend our taxes, the NKRA decided to be proactive, and we took the initiative.
With assistance from Ward Councillor Marcelle Ravid, and with some hard work by Charles Whyte, Henry Rudzinski and Josua Rudzinski, we repainted every street name at every intersection ourselves.
The project was funded with the money which is donated every year to the NKRA by those buildings that choose voluntarily to be “contributing members”. These contributions are used to finance a variety of projects and improvements. Other recent projects funded by the NKRA include the new raised pedestrian crossing outside Pick ‘n Pay in Killarney Avenue, to help motorists to remember to at least slow down at that stop-street, and the new traffic island in 7th Street at the circle – which makes it safer for pedestrians to cross that busy road, and which also assists taxi drivers to go around the traffic circle in a clockwise direction only.
Already we have been asked to look into the following future projects:
a) A small circle in the intersection of 3rd Street and 4th Ave, where the road bends and you can’t see oncoming cars;
b) A standard speed-hump low down on 4th Ave near the traffic intersection into Riviera Road – apparently cars race down the hill to catch the light, and run into each other at the bottom when one stops and the others don’t;
c) Painting a raised pedestrian crossing onto the existing large speed-hump in Main Road, outside Riviera Mansions.
Please let us know your opinions on these projects, as well as extra ideas.
The NKRA thanks Tri-Star Painting and Renovations, who provided the special white paint for the street-names project.
This NKRA community communication has been sponsored by
Wendy Machanik Properties
Nomsa Nene C.R.S.
083 964-2665
0861 WMP WMP