PRESENT: Wayne Ford (Killarney Village); Julie Wilson (Killarney Hills); Vivienne Cobbett (Biarritz); Charles Whyte (Beverley Heights); Romi Reinecke (Daventry Court); Tony Mantle (Gleneagles); George Kymdell (NAMA); Annica Marincowitz (Chartwell); Elena Joaquim (St John’s Wood); Sgt Mdlolo (SAPS); David Spencer (Brenthurst Court); Dalien Rutenberg (Glenhof Gardens); Janice Clayton (Devon Place); Trish Terry (Gleneagles); Colin Wasserfall (Houghton Estate RA).
The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Ward Councillor Eleanor Huggett; Yogan Naidoo (Dukes Court); Faye Sher; Paulo Joaquim (Sevenoaks); Harry Rutenberg (Sevenoaks); Ruth Kuper (Gleneagles); Mike Kalk (Brenthurst Court); Dean Dada (RCS Security); Margaret Urban (Hanover Gate).
• We will strive to keep the discussions short and relevant, so as to finish by 6pm.
• The Minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read, and were approved.
• Sergeant Mdlolo did not have the crime statistics for the past three weeks. However they were subsequently emailed to Wayne, and the major issues were as follows:
Theft of motor vehicles 1; Attempted theft of motor vehicles 2; Theft out of Motor Vehicles 2; Car-jacking 1; Theft General 2; Common assault 1 (1 arrested); Shoplifting 2 (2 arrested); Fraud 2 (1 arrested); Assault GBH 1 (1 arrested); Drugs 1 (1 arrested); Armed robbery 1.
• Sergeant Mdlolo reported that the SAPS are still conducting regular operations at both ends of 1st Street, specifically targeting drinking in public and possession of drugs. Two drinkers were arrested outside the taxi rank in the past weeks, items of alcohol were confiscated, and they were fined. The hawker at the taxi rank was also arrested and fined.
• The SAPS vehicle patrols have been increased in 1st Street, but Sergeant Mdlolo was asked to increase the patrols on Sunday nights even further, as this seems to be the new party-time. If the police intervene in a party before it gets too big, then it is usually easier to manage.
• It was reported that a white Toyota Corolla was involved in the snatching of a cell-phone in 1st Street, and the car seems very similar to a white Toyota that was used in the snatching of a cell-phone in Killarney Avenue a few weeks ago. We will try to get the licence plate from the camera footage.
• It was reported that the drinking has now moved into 2nd Street as well, at the corner of Killarney Avenue. The SAPS will ensure this area is thoroughly covered by their patrols as well.
• The SAPS has asked the community to assist them with photos or film of illegal behaviour, in particular public drinking and alcohol-selling. Photos of the number-plates of the cars used would be especially valuable.
• At the previous meeting it was agreed that a high-resolution camera is the best short-term solution to our problems in 1st Street. It was therefore agreed that the NKRA will purchase such a camera ourselves, and install it at Daventry Court to assist the police in solving those problems. The camera will remain the property of the NKRA, and can be moved to other hot-spots as well if needed.
• Charles and Dean and Romi have done a lot of research, and have obtained quotes for us. We can get a good camera, with 20X zoom capability, with automatic and manual pan and tilt capabilities and with infra-red vision for low-light conditions, for about R15,000 installed. Daventry Court will provide the electricity, the staff to manage the system and the recorders. They will also look at installing extra LED floodlights at their end of 1st Street, to assist the cameras as well as to deter bad behaviour.
• The security staff at Daventry Court are from RCS, and they will be specifically trained to get the best value out of the new system.
• The meeting voted unanimously to purchase and install this camera, as soon as possible. Half a dozen other members had responded to Wayne by email in advance of the meeting, and all had voted in favour also. The NKRA has therefore officially resolved to acquire this camera, and to install it at Daventry Court as soon as possible.
• It was reported that the car-washers in 3rd Street have still not returned – so far so good.
• Sgt Mdlolo can be contacted on 071 675 6000 from now on. Please call her directly if there is any problem requiring the SAPS. She has provided us with excellent service so far, especially in 1st Street. We also thank Romi for her efforts in securing the support of the Community Policing Forum for our issues.
• When you notice a problem developing with a street party or similar, please first call the City emergency hotline on 011 375 5911 and ask the operator to log a call for you. Don’t let them just transfer you to JMPD, make sure they first log a call for you with a reference number. If JMPD don’t thereafter arrive within about 30 minutes, then contact the Councillor with your reference number and ask her to chase JMPD for service.
• Councillor Huggett can be contacted by the community at any time, by SMS or Whatsapp, on 071 785 8068.
• Clr Huggett was not present, having apologised due to other Council business. However there are a range of issues to be reported to her for assistance.
• The streetlights are still on permanently in several streets, due to problems with the timer devices which are affected by every power cut.
• The streetlights are however not working at all in 4th Street, corner 2nd Avenue.
• The streetlights are also not working properly in Riviera Road, between Oxford Road and 4th Avenue.
• Our members are not getting good service from PikiTup regarding replacing damaged wheelie-bins. It was noted that Philemon at the Norwood depot is apparently very helpful.
• We need to obtain and circulate information about the shot-borer beetle, which is spreading through Joburg and causing fatal damage to many pavement trees. Wayne will circulate what information we currently have, and we will add it to our Facebook page.
• The corner of 7th Street and Anerley Road is a traffic hazard, because the fence on municipal property at the south side of the intersection blocks the line of vision for cars coming down to the intersection from 3rd Street. Clr Huggett will be asked to assist in moving that fence back a meter or two.
• We are delighted to report that JRA has finally resurfaced the street and pavement repair issues at the corner of 2nd Ave and 5th Street, at the corner of 4th Ave and 5th Street, and at the corner of 4th Ave and 3rd Street. Many thanks to Clr Huggett for lobbying on our behalf.
• The pavements are starting to look really good again. The winter pavement of the Park in 4th Ave was magnificent – many thanks to Ruth for this splendid effort. All buildings are again requested to plant colourful things on their pavements if they have empty spaces. Marigolds in particular grow very well from seeds, as do primulas in winter. If you have planted a good crop of marigolds in summer and primulas in winter, they will both self-seed each year and you can thereafter have a constant presence of colourful and hardy flowers all year round.
• The Family Day in the Park will be held on Sunday 28 October. We do not yet have a sponsor for the jumping castle, so it was resolved that the NKRA will pay for the castle this year. The costs range around R500 to R800.
• It was noted that the City Parks department have installed two dog-poo bins in the park. Please bring your own bags for the time being.
• The plastic covers which Wayne taped over the exposed wiring on various street-lamps is still holding. However the true test will come when it starts to rain seriously.
• The pigeons are moving steadily up to the park, but there are still people feeding the pigeons on the pavement in 2nd Ave. Please could you all convert to feeding pigeons in the park only, so that we can encourage the birds to move away from the window-ledges and into the trees?
• Tony at Gleneagles has identified a very effective natural pigeon repellent, which is made from citrus seeds (or something). It seems to deter the birds from the immediate location of the spray, but it does no harm to the birds or to any other animal (or human). If you have a pigeon problem, please try this stuff rather than using any kind of harmful methods.
• Please report problems of potholes and pavements to the JRA at http://www.jra.org.za/find-and-fix-mobile-app, or call 011 375 5555. Please keep the reference numbers for follow-up.
• Please also use the number 0860 562 874 to report all road and pavement-related problems to the municipality. This includes all cases of rubble being dumped on pavements, potholes in roads or pavements, road signs in need of repair, streetlights not working, blocked storm-drains, or traffic lights out of order. You can also report all of these issues to the call centre hotline number – 080 872 3342. Please keep the reference numbers for follow-up.
• Thus far 23 buildings have paid the 2018 subscription.
• It was previously suggested to have a year-end function this year, with some wine-and-biscuits, to improve community networks and perhaps get some fresh ideas. It was agreed to incorporate this into the November public meeting.
• A film shot in Killarney, will be screened at the Jozi Film Festival in Maboneng on 28 September. Wayne will attach the detail to the minutes.
The meeting was closed, with thanks to the Killarney Mall for hosting us.
Our next meeting will be held on
WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER 2018 at 5pm
JMPD call centre hotline number – 080 872 3342
JMPD Control Room – 011 758 9620
City emergency hotline on 011 375 5911
SAPS patrol van – 071 675 6001
If you get no response from the patrol van, please call 10111
Councillor Huggett – by SMS or Whatsapp – 071 785 8068