The Application for approval of the rezoning at the Mall (condoning the use of Tyre Fitment Centre area).
The tribunal today (19 March 2008) was quite short and to the point. Many thanks to Brent Chalmers for taking the time to be present.
The committee will take all evidence into account and advise you (as the objector), in writing. The Mall’s town planner, Mr. George van Schoor represented the Mall. Brent has a copy of his case documentation.
I think we put the NKRA’s concerns across well: non-implementation of the SDP (including landscaping), the library, the traffic, the taxis etc. as well as the general disregard of the Killarney community by the Mall. These comments were not struck off by the chairperson and it seems as if he understood the case well.
The city as we know, has recommended approving the application despite the Mall’s representation that this use was an “honest oversight” and the fact that they are not requesting more F.A.R by a “substantial” amount. I think this point was not taken at face value by the chairperson!
I have no doubt that this application will be approved but at least we managed to achieve a hearing of our concerns.
Of course, the SDP is a law enforcement issue and is being taken up by that department.
Killarney Library update:
I arrived yesterday at one o’clock for a scheduled meeting with the MMC for Community Services, Councillor Mayatula-Khosa. The meeting had already been postponed four times. At 1:50pm, I could not wait for her anymore and left. Also present waiting for the meeting was the Manager of Libraries for Region E.
Whether the meeting took place eventually, I do not know but please see below a response from the department concerning the Killarney Library. As you know, legal issues are very long-winded and if it is decided to go ahead with litigation, it could still take a very long time for any concrete action.
Kind regards
Marcelle Ravid
Councillor, Ward 73
City of Johannesburg
Cell: 084 355 0826
Tel: 011 728 6338
Fax: 011 728 6164
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for logging complaints: 011 375 5555
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